One Friday morning there was a news feature carried on some public radio outlets regarding the apparently surprising
revelation that the United States Congress of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) would not allow certain clauses in the new health care legislation which mandated that Catholic hospitals should give out artificial birth control of various kinds even though this policy would not not be in line with Catholic teaching since they are believed to be destructive forces in the world, damaging to family and damaging to women. Yet the Congress was criticized, not so much for holding to Church doctrine, but for having the nerve to impose this doctrine on others via the way Catholic hospitals minsters to the patients. Now hospitals don't impose on people, except in so far as they try to serve the best interests of the whole human person. And Catholic hospitals especially try to serve the human person in such a way as to promote the greatest human flourishing. Their patients are not all Catholic of course, and this is generally the point of Catholic witness - come one come all. Yet certain media outlets were outraged that they hospitals would not break their rules about handing out birth control pills or abortifacients for the patients who did not hold to the beliefs that these things are bad. This is not who hospitals work. The patients don't run the hospital. If you don't like the fact that the Catholic hospital rejects the idea that birth control pills are bad for people and society, you can go somewhere else. You can't very well criticize a Catholic hospital for holding to ....Catholic principals. You would never say that a hospital should not impose cancer screening on patients who do not believe in its efficacy. They were criticized for having employees who don't hold to these doctrines. This is not the point. The Catholic Church is itself a hospital for sinners more so that a museum of saints. Believing and knowing what's right and doing what is right are connected (one should lead to the other) but many times we get tricked by lies or we trick ourselves by selfish deceit into adopting behaviors which are unloving and destructive. It's members are not perfect, but they do have an idea of human perfection - a saint. They want all human beings to follow towards that exemplar. Likewise they cannot control what a person does or does not do, they can only serve in the best way they know how. The government should respect their freedom of conscience to do that, just as patients who disagree with their ethics can go elsewhere. But the Catholic Church or the USCCB cannot be responsible when people substitute the gifts of fertility and the flourishing of the human family for cheap and hollow sexual thrills. Rendering women as lust objects and submitting many to the slavery of trafficking, pornography , abuse and prostitution while culminating in the social apocalypse that is abortion - which is back up birth control. That is why the Catholic Church and her hospitals are against birth control. Perhaps if we dropped the euphemisms for a bit, we might be able to see how we have ben deceived by this term 'birth control'. 'Birth control' does not control births any more than a rain mack controls dampness. It prevents births. But try to find a newspaper that will print that headline - 'Federal law mandates birth prevention'. Now, it starts to sound much more like the personal eugenics program that it really is. G. K. Chesterton wrote in his essay "I despise Birth-Control": G.K. Chesterton on Babies and Distributism (From The Well and the Shallows, From Ignatius Insight.) - I despise Birth-Control first because it is a weak and wobbly and cowardly word. It is also an entirely meaningless word; and is used so as to curry favour even with those who would at first recoil from its real meaning. .... It only makes sure that there shall never be any birth to control..... the very word Birth-Prevention would strike a chill into the public, the instant it was blazoned on headlines, or proclaimed on platforms, or scattered in advertisements like any other quack medicine".
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Herman Cain speaks out against the eugenicist Sanger ; gets attacked by allegations next day
Last week, (on Hallowe'en) republican president hopeful Herman Cain courageously spoke out against the founding ideology of Planned Parenthood and the aims of its foundress Margaret Sanger. He said that these abortion mills target poor minority neighborhoods, especially black neighborhoods, and this thinking is along eugenic lines and a logical outworking of the eugenic policies of Margaret Sanger.
Some newspapers and agencies of a lefty persuasion found these comments less than sanguine and felt that these comments were unwarranted and and and unfair. Alex Sanger (Margaret's grandson), who was not aborted, criticized Cain's comments in The Guardian newspaper on All Saints Day (November 1st), saying that many African-American leaders were supportive of Sanger's birth control (read : prevention) regimes and that the numbers don't support Cain's comments in that 36 % of abortions happen to whites while 30 % happen to black people. This is a statistical sleight-of-hand - black people in America account for only 12 % of the population, making their 30 % fraction much more significant. Per capita, abortion is much more widespread attack on the African-American family of today. This is the same fallacious conflagration of numbers that distorts the truth that Planned Parenthood gets over half their revenue from abortions, and purports to show that only 3 % of it's services are on abortions. It would appear that numerical and moral obfuscation go hand in hand. Life Site News presented information that slipped past the left-wing fact checkers studies that in fact, Mark Crutcher's presented data that showed that- " of the 116 ZIP codes found to have more than one population control facility, 84 were disproportionately black and/or Hispanic."
Whether PP's agenda is making revenue from abortions and capitalizing from the fear and parental negligence of young people who find themselves pregnant, or whether they are promoting eugenics (but not in word, since it's reputation was completely darkened after WWII) for its sake, or whether it really is purely (or rather impurely) an agent to bring about the moral corruption of human beings and the destruction of their own children, it's difficult to say, but the aims of it's founder were rather clear.
According to the website Dian Edew, Sanger believed that, for the purpose of racial "purification," couples should be rewarded who chose sterilization. Birth Control in America, The Career of Margaret Sanger, by David Kennedy, p. 117, quoting a 1923 Sanger speech. This thinking is not too far away from the ring of Planned Parenthood's more up to date manifesto : "PP has encouraged homosexuality and advocated compulsory sterilization of all who have two children" (Family Planning Perspectives (a PP publication), June, Oct. 1970). Referring to poor immigrants and blacks, she called them
"...human weeds,' 'reckless breeders,' 'spawning... human beings who never should have been born." Margaret Sanger, Pivot of Civilization, referring to immigrants and poor people. Margaret Sanger was a Klu-Klux clan meeting-attending eugenicist who said "More children from the fit, less from the unfit -- that is the chief aim of birth control." Birth Control Review, May 1919, p. 12.
Be that economic, medical or mentally unfitness, it is still the eugenic except in name-only attempts of a federally funded machine for deceiving a generation to allow innocent children to be crushed under the cog of a machine that, like the holocausts of previous governments and peoples, coldly treats them as non-human.
By a startling coincidence, the next day Mr. Cain was accused of sexual harassment. These alleged events were said to have taken place in the 1990s. It could be coincidence of timing, but its rather strange that the only person who visibly came forward did not seek justice straight away but appears had to wait well over a decade to feel hurt and seek wrath.
Some newspapers and agencies of a lefty persuasion found these comments less than sanguine and felt that these comments were unwarranted and and and unfair. Alex Sanger (Margaret's grandson), who was not aborted, criticized Cain's comments in The Guardian newspaper on All Saints Day (November 1st), saying that many African-American leaders were supportive of Sanger's birth control (read : prevention) regimes and that the numbers don't support Cain's comments in that 36 % of abortions happen to whites while 30 % happen to black people. This is a statistical sleight-of-hand - black people in America account for only 12 % of the population, making their 30 % fraction much more significant. Per capita, abortion is much more widespread attack on the African-American family of today. This is the same fallacious conflagration of numbers that distorts the truth that Planned Parenthood gets over half their revenue from abortions, and purports to show that only 3 % of it's services are on abortions. It would appear that numerical and moral obfuscation go hand in hand. Life Site News presented information that slipped past the left-wing fact checkers studies that in fact, Mark Crutcher's presented data that showed that- " of the 116 ZIP codes found to have more than one population control facility, 84 were disproportionately black and/or Hispanic."
Whether PP's agenda is making revenue from abortions and capitalizing from the fear and parental negligence of young people who find themselves pregnant, or whether they are promoting eugenics (but not in word, since it's reputation was completely darkened after WWII) for its sake, or whether it really is purely (or rather impurely) an agent to bring about the moral corruption of human beings and the destruction of their own children, it's difficult to say, but the aims of it's founder were rather clear.
According to the website Dian Edew, Sanger believed that, for the purpose of racial "purification," couples should be rewarded who chose sterilization. Birth Control in America, The Career of Margaret Sanger, by David Kennedy, p. 117, quoting a 1923 Sanger speech. This thinking is not too far away from the ring of Planned Parenthood's more up to date manifesto : "PP has encouraged homosexuality and advocated compulsory sterilization of all who have two children" (Family Planning Perspectives (a PP publication), June, Oct. 1970). Referring to poor immigrants and blacks, she called them
"...human weeds,' 'reckless breeders,' 'spawning... human beings who never should have been born." Margaret Sanger, Pivot of Civilization, referring to immigrants and poor people. Margaret Sanger was a Klu-Klux clan meeting-attending eugenicist who said "More children from the fit, less from the unfit -- that is the chief aim of birth control." Birth Control Review, May 1919, p. 12.
Be that economic, medical or mentally unfitness, it is still the eugenic except in name-only attempts of a federally funded machine for deceiving a generation to allow innocent children to be crushed under the cog of a machine that, like the holocausts of previous governments and peoples, coldly treats them as non-human.
By a startling coincidence, the next day Mr. Cain was accused of sexual harassment. These alleged events were said to have taken place in the 1990s. It could be coincidence of timing, but its rather strange that the only person who visibly came forward did not seek justice straight away but appears had to wait well over a decade to feel hurt and seek wrath.
Sunday, October 9, 2011
A Word on the Street
Today, I was approached on the street in Cambridge by a man who was wearing a Planned Parenthood (PP) shirt and carrying a clipboard. Now normally, I'm used to being approached on the street by straight-forward, honest to God charities and a few "save the planet" eco-freaks. So you can imagine being solicited in public by the biggest abortion mill in the country for more funds in addition to the some 30 million a year they already get from the federal government.
The first thing I thought of was, apart from figuring that they had picked the wrong guy from which to solicit funds, how would they respond to the accusation that their organization murder over 300,000 unborn babies every year. The response came that they were a non-profit interested in the care of women and that only 3 % of their customers actually get abortions. But this distortion is a variant of the 3 % services provision pie chart (see below). I told him that, labeling both an abortion and the handing out a flyer a "service", renders the terms meaningless, just as meaningless the language of 'choice' covers up the fact that one side of the argument happens to choose murder. So he conceded that it was really the case that, based on revenue, about 50 % of their business was abortion, which I'd imagine was quite visible to him as a manager. But he retorted that, while PP are more interested in providing those women with information and resources and that he himself goes to PP for diabetic needles and supplies (although one would wonder why he does not go to Planned Insulin for that). That addition sounded like some strange and desperate lurch to legitimize a nefarious operation, like a mafia racketeering operation that sells flowers on the side. His language began to more clearly reflect what PP really is - a cover up operation. He told me that PP offers a place to have abortions performed safely, at which point I confronted him with the fact that several thousands of illegal abortions were performed before the 1973 Roe V. Wade decision, but that that number rose to 1.5 million afterwards.
I pressed the matter further - murdering children does not protect anyone, and that the women who go there are misled and even coerced into have these abortions. Why for example, do the PP abortionists not show the ultrasound of the baby they are about to destroy to the mother (or the father ?)
When I asked him this, he responded that it was not appropriate (this is a word that is used by so-called 'liberals' to hide from terms like 'wrong' or 'evil' and other words which don't comport well with a world view of moral relativism). Inappropriate ? Why is it "inappropriate" ? It was at this point that I got no answer, except the most nauseating and unsatisfying modern cliche "this conversation is over". Just like in the case of the ultrasounds, PP's instinct is to cover up and stifle the quest for getting to the truth of the matter. They don't show the ultrasounds because they know deep down, just as everyone else does, that a baby is a baby and that if everyone who darkens their door was able to see that, they would go out of business.
The first thing I thought of was, apart from figuring that they had picked the wrong guy from which to solicit funds, how would they respond to the accusation that their organization murder over 300,000 unborn babies every year. The response came that they were a non-profit interested in the care of women and that only 3 % of their customers actually get abortions. But this distortion is a variant of the 3 % services provision pie chart (see below). I told him that, labeling both an abortion and the handing out a flyer a "service", renders the terms meaningless, just as meaningless the language of 'choice' covers up the fact that one side of the argument happens to choose murder. So he conceded that it was really the case that, based on revenue, about 50 % of their business was abortion, which I'd imagine was quite visible to him as a manager. But he retorted that, while PP are more interested in providing those women with information and resources and that he himself goes to PP for diabetic needles and supplies (although one would wonder why he does not go to Planned Insulin for that). That addition sounded like some strange and desperate lurch to legitimize a nefarious operation, like a mafia racketeering operation that sells flowers on the side. His language began to more clearly reflect what PP really is - a cover up operation. He told me that PP offers a place to have abortions performed safely, at which point I confronted him with the fact that several thousands of illegal abortions were performed before the 1973 Roe V. Wade decision, but that that number rose to 1.5 million afterwards.
I pressed the matter further - murdering children does not protect anyone, and that the women who go there are misled and even coerced into have these abortions. Why for example, do the PP abortionists not show the ultrasound of the baby they are about to destroy to the mother (or the father ?)
When I asked him this, he responded that it was not appropriate (this is a word that is used by so-called 'liberals' to hide from terms like 'wrong' or 'evil' and other words which don't comport well with a world view of moral relativism). Inappropriate ? Why is it "inappropriate" ? It was at this point that I got no answer, except the most nauseating and unsatisfying modern cliche "this conversation is over". Just like in the case of the ultrasounds, PP's instinct is to cover up and stifle the quest for getting to the truth of the matter. They don't show the ultrasounds because they know deep down, just as everyone else does, that a baby is a baby and that if everyone who darkens their door was able to see that, they would go out of business.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
A Sturdy Constitution
Tuesday of last week (16th of August) was the feast day of St. Stephen, proto-matryr of the Christian faith. There is another St. Stephen, who was grand prince of Hungary at the beginning of the last millennium. He is the patron saint of that country and, by reading her constitution, it's edifying for humanity that it bears the golden hallmarks of holiness and saintliness. In a recent article in the journal on religion and public life, First Things, there was a piece about how this awareness of it's own past and traditions has made it a shining jewel in an increasingly secular Europe. Enshrined in it's constitution is recognition of the dignity of all human life from conception to natural death and an upholding of the sanctity of marriage and an affirmation of it's primacy in the functioning of a healthy society and it's centrality to the genesis of new life. Children deserver to be brought up by their natural parents to the extent that this is possible. It's refreshing and proper that a government should uphold and sustain this time tested and naturally harmonious paradigm.
According to a report from EWTN
“Human dignity is inviolable,” the constitution states. “Everyone has the right to life and human dignity; the life of a fetus will be protected from conception.”
“Eugenic practices aimed at selection of persons, making the human body and its parts a source of profit and the reproductive cloning of human beings are prohibited,” the document adds.
The new constitution also states that “Hungary protects the institution of marriage between man and woman, a matrimonial relationship voluntarily established, as well as the family as the basis for the survival of the nation. Hungary supports child-bearing.”
According to a report from EWTN
“Human dignity is inviolable,” the constitution states. “Everyone has the right to life and human dignity; the life of a fetus will be protected from conception.”
“Eugenic practices aimed at selection of persons, making the human body and its parts a source of profit and the reproductive cloning of human beings are prohibited,” the document adds.
The new constitution also states that “Hungary protects the institution of marriage between man and woman, a matrimonial relationship voluntarily established, as well as the family as the basis for the survival of the nation. Hungary supports child-bearing.”
Monday, August 8, 2011
The 3 % Planned Parenthood distortion
There was a very insightful article recently published by Abort73, a campaign to have the Roe Vs. Wade supreme court decision to ultimately be rolled back. The article can be found here and it speaks of the distorted numerics which Planned Parenthood bandy about to camouflage how many abortions they actually carry out and claim legitimacy as a general health care clinic to raise funds from an unsuspecting public and mislead federal initiatives. When I encountered a young man who was attempting to gather funds in the street for Planned Parenthood, he defended my accusation that they perform the bulk of the abortions in America, he responded with a canned reply - "abortions consist of only 3 % of our services. Since many debates and arguments have been seen to have been won and lost on the basis of definitions alone, it's worthwhile to consider what they mean by a service. It's turns out that an abortion is indeed a "service", although what kind of service this really is and in whose service it's really done is quite another matter. But by their economic reckoning, handing out a condom is also a service. So, they have played down the percentages by doing more of something else.
Since they are known to perform the bulk of abortions every year in America (around 305,000) there must be a more honest metric. They are, in the main, a private business and so making money is a large part of what they do, so in terms of revenue, the fraction of abortions per year brings in about $ 182 million of the $374 million total revenue as reported by the STOPP report of September 29th 2010. That's on top of the bone-chilling $536 million they get in government and contributions. So a much more fiscal, economical and common sense picture of how much of what Planned Parenthood actually does is abortion can be depicted as follows :
But the really interesting question is this : why are they downplaying the fact that providing abortion, amid the services which backup a promiscuous lifestyle (contraception, STD testing, etc), is such a large part of what they do. It's as if they really see abortion as the horror that it is, deep down. If there is nothing wrong with abortions why down play how much one does it ? And, as the Abort73
articles says : if there's nothing wrong with abortion, then what's wrong with teenage pregnancy ? You can leave a baby at any police station, hospital or manned firestation in Massachusetts within 10 days of giving birth. With the help and care of such crisis pregnancy centers as Caritas Christi, Daybreak and Pregnancy Help Boston, there's always support and hope if you have the courage and confidence to get through it. Anything is better for both the baby and parents, then the murder of an innocent.

Since they are known to perform the bulk of abortions every year in America (around 305,000) there must be a more honest metric. They are, in the main, a private business and so making money is a large part of what they do, so in terms of revenue, the fraction of abortions per year brings in about $ 182 million of the $374 million total revenue as reported by the STOPP report of September 29th 2010. That's on top of the bone-chilling $536 million they get in government and contributions. So a much more fiscal, economical and common sense picture of how much of what Planned Parenthood actually does is abortion can be depicted as follows :

But the really interesting question is this : why are they downplaying the fact that providing abortion, amid the services which backup a promiscuous lifestyle (contraception, STD testing, etc), is such a large part of what they do. It's as if they really see abortion as the horror that it is, deep down. If there is nothing wrong with abortions why down play how much one does it ? And, as the Abort73
articles says : if there's nothing wrong with abortion, then what's wrong with teenage pregnancy ? You can leave a baby at any police station, hospital or manned firestation in Massachusetts within 10 days of giving birth. With the help and care of such crisis pregnancy centers as Caritas Christi, Daybreak and Pregnancy Help Boston, there's always support and hope if you have the courage and confidence to get through it. Anything is better for both the baby and parents, then the murder of an innocent.
Monday, July 11, 2011
The Philadelphia House of Horrors
An article published in National Public Radio (Weekend Edition by Kathy Lohr) started with the headline "A murder case involving a sordid Philadelphia abortion clinic is fueling debate about how clinics should be run, with several states considering stricter regulations." Now this a strange reporting slant. I would expect such an horrific story of baby murder to be stir up debate - but not a debate about how strictly these murder mills should be monitored, but rather why on earth is it an act of brutality to destroy an innocent infant
at the 7th or 8th month of pregnancy, when it is deemed legal and morally acceptable to do so at month 6 (in Pennsylvania) ? What kind of logic s behind this ? No kind of logic at all ! Since when is the age of child the arbiter of it's moral worth ? Since when does the location of the baby's body with respect to which side of the birth canal determine whether it is acceptable to murder him or her ? The horrors of the baby murdering industry has boiled over more graphically into our conscious awareness, but the news reports from the left-wing media are concerned about the squalor and sanitary conditions of these places ?
The New York times carried the story with a similar slant in their report of Kermit Gosnell's house of horrors.
In fairness, sanity (and editorial balance) did seem to prevail by the end of the article with the words : “Some anti-abortion activists in Philadelphia say they hope to raise money as a result of the Gosnell case — enough to buy his clinic and turn it into a crisis pregnancy center that would not offer abortion.” That's progress.
But at the same time, can anyone out there answer a simple question ? What exactly is the difference between the Philadelphia house of horrors and any Planned Parenthood clinic apart from the fact that, in the case of the latter, the staff clean up (and cover up) more efficiently ?
at the 7th or 8th month of pregnancy, when it is deemed legal and morally acceptable to do so at month 6 (in Pennsylvania) ? What kind of logic s behind this ? No kind of logic at all ! Since when is the age of child the arbiter of it's moral worth ? Since when does the location of the baby's body with respect to which side of the birth canal determine whether it is acceptable to murder him or her ? The horrors of the baby murdering industry has boiled over more graphically into our conscious awareness, but the news reports from the left-wing media are concerned about the squalor and sanitary conditions of these places ?
The New York times carried the story with a similar slant in their report of Kermit Gosnell's house of horrors.
In fairness, sanity (and editorial balance) did seem to prevail by the end of the article with the words : “Some anti-abortion activists in Philadelphia say they hope to raise money as a result of the Gosnell case — enough to buy his clinic and turn it into a crisis pregnancy center that would not offer abortion.” That's progress.
But at the same time, can anyone out there answer a simple question ? What exactly is the difference between the Philadelphia house of horrors and any Planned Parenthood clinic apart from the fact that, in the case of the latter, the staff clean up (and cover up) more efficiently ?
Friday, July 8, 2011
Rosary Vigil for Life in Allston, MA
Please join us for the Rosary Vigil for Life tomorrow :
Rosary Vigil for Life: under the Banner of Our Lady of Guadalupe
Sponsored by: The Helper's of God's Precious Infants
Second Saturday of each month
Rosary (fifteen decades, interspersed with song) at Planned Parenthood abortion facility
-8:45AM Procession starts at corner of Babcock St. and Commonwealth Ave. (One block from Planned Parenthood)
-Drive to Commonwealth Ave. (Meter Parking)
By MBTA: Babcock Street stop on Green Line "B" train for PP abortion facility.
-For those interested there is an 8:00AM mass at St. Mary's parish, 5 Linden Place Brookline (Off Harvard Street in Brookline Center)
Location : 1055 Commonwealth Av., Allston, MA
Sunday, May 22, 2011
21st May : Doomsday ?
Yesterday was a strange day, it was hailed to be the end of the world, the day of final judgment by the sect Family Radio Worldwide and it was predicted to occur at 5 pm (EST?) on the 21st May, 2011. It didn't happen. On a personal level, what did happened were some interesting exchanges outside of the Allston, MA center of Planned Parenthood (or, more accurately Aborted Parenthood). I stood on the corner of the side-walk with two signs - one saying "Face it : Abortion Kills a Child" and another sign which read "End the Abortion Holocaust" on which was pictured a graphic depiction of an aborted baby. I stood within in 35 foot zone (after having been informed by the security guard, who, after having informed me that he saw nothing wrong with my standing there and having my say, told me to back off a little to be outside what is called the 'bumper zone'. Obviously this facility has had problems in the past with crowds of conscientious objectors and protesters outside who were clogging up the street access and thorough-fare.
I received well wishes from about two groups of people who expressed solidarity and moral support. While about 6 others expressed great discontent my presence and the signs I was touting. The first was a man who complained vigorously that the graphic picture of one of my signs could have disturbed his young daughter. He said : "I don't need my 5 year-old daughter seeing this (expletive)". Well, I sympathize and I was glad that he valued his daughter's innocence and upbringing such that his blood would boil to that degree. But, while it's distressing that his daughter might see these images - they are just images. If that depiction of those dead babies shocks and appalls him
, then the actions performed to get them to that state should outrage him all the more. I am just depicting what they do, they actually carry out what they do. I'm only there because they murder and destroy innocent ones like his daughter and younger. Don't bother getting angry at me, get angry at them. I'm not sick, what they are doing is sick, and murderous.
Another accosting was received from a woman who obliquely yet angrily heckled (I shall omit the expletives here)- 'we should not hear from these men....who don't even know what its like to be pregnant'. I'm not sure why this comment was made. I don't have to have first hand experience of something to know whether it's right or wrong. I don't have to be pregnant and undergo abortion to criticize this action anymore than I have to commit murder to know that killing an innocent human being is wrong.
Anther altercation came in the form of a man asking whether I was aware that we (Christians) were supposed to have been raptured already. But Catholics don't believe in the rapture, at least not in the way that the Family Radio Worldwide understand it. Another man was most disturbed by the sign about the current holocaust. He took a picture with his iphone as evidence of crazy people like myself. For an instant I thought that he was supporting my efforts. But no - he yelled 'you're sick' and said that I should not use the term 'holocaust' and his opined that that word is somehow reserved for the Jews. But there have been many many holocausts throughout history - the Russian exterminations during the Stalin era, executions under Chairman Mao and Pol Pot or the Pagan child sacrifices of the Aztecs to the Cromwelian destruction of the Irish peasantry. There are many others, alas. And my antagonists inability to recognize the abortion holocaust as such indicates he probably would have remained silent and uncritical during that more recent holocaust of the Jews in Nazi Germany as well. One other woman said simply ' get over yourself'. There was hope, however. One group of people who looked like tourists or those in town for a graduation, were looking over and seemed to want a photo opportunity as they began to flank me from both sides. As they edged up, they said 'we're with you', words I was more than happy to hear. It turned out they were from Santiago de Compostela, Spain, which was emblazoned on my shirt depicting Pope Benedict XVI's visit to the pilgrimage site. Their solidarity and moral support was a nice surprise. A well dressed businessman noticed my sign, stopped, shook my hands and asked whether I was a follower of Christ. Amongst other things he said that 'abortion is a stain on the conscience of America'.
I received well wishes from about two groups of people who expressed solidarity and moral support. While about 6 others expressed great discontent my presence and the signs I was touting. The first was a man who complained vigorously that the graphic picture of one of my signs could have disturbed his young daughter. He said : "I don't need my 5 year-old daughter seeing this (expletive)". Well, I sympathize and I was glad that he valued his daughter's innocence and upbringing such that his blood would boil to that degree. But, while it's distressing that his daughter might see these images - they are just images. If that depiction of those dead babies shocks and appalls him
, then the actions performed to get them to that state should outrage him all the more. I am just depicting what they do, they actually carry out what they do. I'm only there because they murder and destroy innocent ones like his daughter and younger. Don't bother getting angry at me, get angry at them. I'm not sick, what they are doing is sick, and murderous.
Another accosting was received from a woman who obliquely yet angrily heckled (I shall omit the expletives here)- 'we should not hear from these men....who don't even know what its like to be pregnant'. I'm not sure why this comment was made. I don't have to have first hand experience of something to know whether it's right or wrong. I don't have to be pregnant and undergo abortion to criticize this action anymore than I have to commit murder to know that killing an innocent human being is wrong.
Anther altercation came in the form of a man asking whether I was aware that we (Christians) were supposed to have been raptured already. But Catholics don't believe in the rapture, at least not in the way that the Family Radio Worldwide understand it. Another man was most disturbed by the sign about the current holocaust. He took a picture with his iphone as evidence of crazy people like myself. For an instant I thought that he was supporting my efforts. But no - he yelled 'you're sick' and said that I should not use the term 'holocaust' and his opined that that word is somehow reserved for the Jews. But there have been many many holocausts throughout history - the Russian exterminations during the Stalin era, executions under Chairman Mao and Pol Pot or the Pagan child sacrifices of the Aztecs to the Cromwelian destruction of the Irish peasantry. There are many others, alas. And my antagonists inability to recognize the abortion holocaust as such indicates he probably would have remained silent and uncritical during that more recent holocaust of the Jews in Nazi Germany as well. One other woman said simply ' get over yourself'. There was hope, however. One group of people who looked like tourists or those in town for a graduation, were looking over and seemed to want a photo opportunity as they began to flank me from both sides. As they edged up, they said 'we're with you', words I was more than happy to hear. It turned out they were from Santiago de Compostela, Spain, which was emblazoned on my shirt depicting Pope Benedict XVI's visit to the pilgrimage site. Their solidarity and moral support was a nice surprise. A well dressed businessman noticed my sign, stopped, shook my hands and asked whether I was a follower of Christ. Amongst other things he said that 'abortion is a stain on the conscience of America'.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Just war doctrine, Planned Parenthood and the principalities and powers of darkness
The center and pinnacle of Catholic worship is the Holy Eucharist, the Blessed Sacrament over which the priest, in personae Christi says "This is My Body". This is the perfect sacrifice of our supreme God who loves us so much that he gave his very Flesh and Blood so that we might have life and not be bound by sin and death. Christians are the limbs and agents of Christ's body in the world, from the Pope and the greatest saints to the devout layman. And all bodies need nourishment, spiritual nourishment. We confess and repent and stay true to the doctrines of Holy Mother Church before we approach the greatest of all sacraments, still trembling with awe and reverence. We are what we eat.
Now, when Catholics engage in the battle against the evils of abortion, we are not battling against those misguided, woefully misinformed and quite frankly exploited generation of would-be mothers whose wombs are violated by the abortionists instruments. We are not even battling against the so-called clinicians or doctors and managers of these abortion mills. For we are told to love our enemy. No, we are truly battling against principalities and powers of total darkness. We fear for and care for the human beings caught up in this. It does lasting violence to the prospective mother, most women regret having an abortion, and it does horrible violence to the child. As Catholics, who are often accused of being judgmental when they rail against evil actions, are being nothing of the kind. We have a worldview in which evil is truly objectified and unhuman. We categorize actions, not character or person-hood as evil. The naturalist or sketical scientist is only has the human being to hate as the terminus of the committed evil. We are your friends. War against demons is always just, they always have our destruction as their number one agenda, staring with the weakest.
As Peter Kreeft of Boston College writes in his readable and incisive boiling-down of the Church Catechism in "Catholic Christianity", he writes "no war is just in itself...the choice to go to war can be just ..the aim of [going to war] is peace. The aim is not taking lives but saving lives: the live of innocent victims of aggression". Now, I cannot think of a set of more innocent victims that those unborn babies. So, all wars start with declarations of war. We ought to go down there to those houses of horror and with the best and most charitable voice, declare this war. We must make them answer, no longer can the linguistic evasions and legalistic cover-ups be put up with.
According to the May 2011 edition of Townhall magazine, Planned Parenthood, started by the eugenicist and Marxist who advocated the forced sterilization (and "birth control" - her coinage) of the poor and mentally deficient. When the biggest commercial "non-profit" abortion mill baby murderer in North America holds 1.2 billion in assets and boasts 700,000 active contributors, we have to wonder why on earth, there is even any question of continuing the 350 million dollars it gets annually from the federal government by way of the hard-earned cash of working America. And what group are being persecuted with the 33 % of all terrible abortion - African Americans in poverty. It's looks like the founder got her way. How can the collective conscience of God fearing Americans put up with this ? It borders on a degree of complicity one could accuse the normally scrupulous Germans during the late 1930s and early 1940s...
Let's resuscitate that first casualty of the operations of evil - truth. Let's make war against those demons who, with their evil sneer against the grammar of existence, feeding the lie in the ear of the raging hater of the unborn. Clutching their bellies in selfish sovereignty, claiming it as all their own, and as the good Prof. Kreeft indicates, in the satanic inversion of the Holy - "This is my body".
Now, when Catholics engage in the battle against the evils of abortion, we are not battling against those misguided, woefully misinformed and quite frankly exploited generation of would-be mothers whose wombs are violated by the abortionists instruments. We are not even battling against the so-called clinicians or doctors and managers of these abortion mills. For we are told to love our enemy. No, we are truly battling against principalities and powers of total darkness. We fear for and care for the human beings caught up in this. It does lasting violence to the prospective mother, most women regret having an abortion, and it does horrible violence to the child. As Catholics, who are often accused of being judgmental when they rail against evil actions, are being nothing of the kind. We have a worldview in which evil is truly objectified and unhuman. We categorize actions, not character or person-hood as evil. The naturalist or sketical scientist is only has the human being to hate as the terminus of the committed evil. We are your friends. War against demons is always just, they always have our destruction as their number one agenda, staring with the weakest.
As Peter Kreeft of Boston College writes in his readable and incisive boiling-down of the Church Catechism in "Catholic Christianity", he writes "no war is just in itself...the choice to go to war can be just ..the aim of [going to war] is peace. The aim is not taking lives but saving lives: the live of innocent victims of aggression". Now, I cannot think of a set of more innocent victims that those unborn babies. So, all wars start with declarations of war. We ought to go down there to those houses of horror and with the best and most charitable voice, declare this war. We must make them answer, no longer can the linguistic evasions and legalistic cover-ups be put up with.
According to the May 2011 edition of Townhall magazine, Planned Parenthood, started by the eugenicist and Marxist who advocated the forced sterilization (and "birth control" - her coinage) of the poor and mentally deficient. When the biggest commercial "non-profit" abortion mill baby murderer in North America holds 1.2 billion in assets and boasts 700,000 active contributors, we have to wonder why on earth, there is even any question of continuing the 350 million dollars it gets annually from the federal government by way of the hard-earned cash of working America. And what group are being persecuted with the 33 % of all terrible abortion - African Americans in poverty. It's looks like the founder got her way. How can the collective conscience of God fearing Americans put up with this ? It borders on a degree of complicity one could accuse the normally scrupulous Germans during the late 1930s and early 1940s...
Let's resuscitate that first casualty of the operations of evil - truth. Let's make war against those demons who, with their evil sneer against the grammar of existence, feeding the lie in the ear of the raging hater of the unborn. Clutching their bellies in selfish sovereignty, claiming it as all their own, and as the good Prof. Kreeft indicates, in the satanic inversion of the Holy - "This is my body".
Friday, April 8, 2011
U.S. government threatens to come to a standstill because of ......Abortion Mills
Can it be possible that people want the tax payers dollars to go to fund what is supposed to be a private abortion provider so badly, that are willing to bring the country to a stand-still ? One of the (only?) stumbling blocks in the way of finding a mutually agreeable budget between Republicans and Democrats centers around the 362 million dollars which go the the nation's number 1 abortion "services" (to kill an unborn child is not a service, but an horrific disservice). How can this be ? Do pro abortion complicit government agents really want us to actually pay for the human holocaust which abortion providers perpetrate on the weakest of our society ? The claim is that they only use the tax-payer money on activities other than abortion. It's hard to believe, considering that 98 % of what they do is abortion (see the recent, fairly balanced The Hill Blog article. There could not be a more critical time that now to get in touch with the Representatives and Senators in order to break the deadlock over this issue (see the link from Kristin Hawkins of Students for Life - here - you can dial in your zip code, get in contact, and make the case against what is at least the worst abuse of tax-payer spending, and at worst (in reality) complicity in the most horrific holocaust of modern times.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
U. K. police arrest depictors of abortions, but not the abortionists
It is truly baffling who much the truth and irony of the reactions to the witness to the horrors of abortion can be. In the United Kingdom, because the 1967 legislation for the legalization of abortion, upwards of 200,000+ innocent children are being executed per year. When two courageous and truth loving souls, Andy Stephenson and Kathryn Sloane (both Christians needless to say) were bearing witness to this ongoing atrocity and used a poster of an aborted child to shock people and confront the public with what their government and society allows, they were arrested under the Public Order Act for pubic offense. What gives ? So the depiction of horror and brutality of the innocence is an arrestable offense but the actual act of brutality is not ? Robert Mendick's report of the incident can be read in the Daily Telegraph here. These events show that truth is one of the first casualties of a society in free-fall. In many ways Britain has become a post-anglican hedonistic mess.
In other news, national public radio announced that there was new legislation in South Dakota which will go into effect July 1st which states that pregnant mothers have to take a 72 hour space of time in which they need to get counseling about executing their unborn children. The public radio seemed to express their disappointment about the law and lamented how only one doctor is allowed into the state from outside to perform this "valuable service". The mind boggles ....and the soul trembles.
In other news, national public radio announced that there was new legislation in South Dakota which will go into effect July 1st which states that pregnant mothers have to take a 72 hour space of time in which they need to get counseling about executing their unborn children. The public radio seemed to express their disappointment about the law and lamented how only one doctor is allowed into the state from outside to perform this "valuable service". The mind boggles ....and the soul trembles.
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Successful Pro Life Vigil at Allston's Planned Parenthood
This morning, Saturday March 12th 2011 at 8:45 am saw members of several Catholic Parishes of Greater Boston participate in a prayer vigil outside the "clinic" of Planned Panenthood in Allston, MA. Fifteen decades of prayers encompassing the sacred mysteries of the passion, cross and resurrection of Jesus Christ of the Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary were prayed along with many hymns and prayers. There were several other pro-life demonstrators holding signs of various real depictions of pre-natal children in the womb at 8 weeks.
I call this prayer vigil a success because at least two mothers who were intent on availing of the "services" of the business outside whose premises we were praying, saw our signs and prayers, and turned around in some distress. We don't know whether it was the circumstances these women found themselves in, the combination of abortion promotion and sexualizing of our youth, or whether it was the toxin of moral relativism of a society in free-fall which drove these women to this place to seek this horrible and deplorable "service". Neither do we condemn them, nor their peers, nor even the operators of these abortion clinics. We are doing battle here with the very principalities and powers of darkness. And because those two women turned away from this darkness, despite what economic, personal and psychological difficulties arise, at least those women have their lives, and at least their children will have been given a start in life, a fighting chance.
The vigil and demonstration certainly had its fair share of what I would describe as distant hecklers. A cyclist rode by extending his middle finger and directed a stream of vulgarity towards the group, two persons across the road yelled something inaudible and probably incomprehensible. This is to be expected, when you are part of body who holds to an unchanging truth about mans place in the world and an unwavering objective moral standard, detractors and angry opposition is to be expected. It is vital and challenging to be a part of this group - a trembling presence of the outworking of the Catholic Church doctrines, ancient and true. Whether it's a papal bull. condemning slavery (Sicut Dudum written in 1435) or an encyclical (Pope Leo XIII's rerum novarum) warning against the evils of communism, the Church has been and always will be, at least by tenets of faith and moral doctrines, that massive "undigested lead ball in the pit of the worlds stomach" (adapted from Peter Kreeft). Like the solid metal heart in Wilde's The Happy Prince, which could not be alloyed, sintered or liquefied into the mainstream flow of secular society.
Please join the prayer vigil on the first Saturday of every month in Allston, MA.
I call this prayer vigil a success because at least two mothers who were intent on availing of the "services" of the business outside whose premises we were praying, saw our signs and prayers, and turned around in some distress. We don't know whether it was the circumstances these women found themselves in, the combination of abortion promotion and sexualizing of our youth, or whether it was the toxin of moral relativism of a society in free-fall which drove these women to this place to seek this horrible and deplorable "service". Neither do we condemn them, nor their peers, nor even the operators of these abortion clinics. We are doing battle here with the very principalities and powers of darkness. And because those two women turned away from this darkness, despite what economic, personal and psychological difficulties arise, at least those women have their lives, and at least their children will have been given a start in life, a fighting chance.
The vigil and demonstration certainly had its fair share of what I would describe as distant hecklers. A cyclist rode by extending his middle finger and directed a stream of vulgarity towards the group, two persons across the road yelled something inaudible and probably incomprehensible. This is to be expected, when you are part of body who holds to an unchanging truth about mans place in the world and an unwavering objective moral standard, detractors and angry opposition is to be expected. It is vital and challenging to be a part of this group - a trembling presence of the outworking of the Catholic Church doctrines, ancient and true. Whether it's a papal bull. condemning slavery (Sicut Dudum written in 1435) or an encyclical (Pope Leo XIII's rerum novarum) warning against the evils of communism, the Church has been and always will be, at least by tenets of faith and moral doctrines, that massive "undigested lead ball in the pit of the worlds stomach" (adapted from Peter Kreeft). Like the solid metal heart in Wilde's The Happy Prince, which could not be alloyed, sintered or liquefied into the mainstream flow of secular society.
Please join the prayer vigil on the first Saturday of every month in Allston, MA.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Ireland's Labour Party , clandestine abortion policies and terrible superbutchers
It came to light recently, during the run-up to the very recent national elections in Ireland that there is a real threat to the nation's historical and heroic opposition to abortion on demand. The threat to the unborn was not immediately detectable as it was buried in page 79 of the Labour Party's 92 page manifesto in a statement so clandestine in it's language, you'd be convinced that they were deliberately trying to cloud their policy description in the darkness of murky language that does not even mention abortion. This threat came to light when Irish Daily Mail corespondent Mary Ellen Synon's article in the Irish edition of the Daily Mail recently. The deceptive and shadowy means by which they are attempting to
gain a foot in the door of opening Ireland up to the scourge of abortion were in line with the grim and insidious nature of the operation itself. The set of words used did not even use the term abortion (itself a linguistic trick), for it reads "Labour in government will legislate in accordance with the Supreme Court judgment in the X Case, and the recent ruling by the European Court of Human Rights". The X case is a special ruling in Ireland that allowed a woman to procure an abortion if she had been raped (confirmed by three doctors) and that the failure to procure such an abortion will result in her death. To allow Europe to pressurize Ireland to expand on this legislation would open a doorway to the hellish reality that abortion brings. And an abortuary really is hell on earth. I'm reminded of Clive Barkers' novella/film of Hellraiser wherein a man who is obsessed with the pain and pleasures of a demon box is literally torn to pieces by it's powers instantiated by a series of hooks. The demons who show up to re-assemble the pieces of flesh in order to identify the face of the victim, like some grim crime scene post-mortem are the "magnificent superbutchers" of Barkers imagination. That may sound absolutely horrible, but it's horror is dampened by the fact that it is only fiction. Well, after an abortion, the doctor has to re-assemble the limbs and sections of an aborted baby in order to ensure no part has been trapped inside the would-have-been mother's womb. That's way more gruesome because it's truly happens and otherwise rational, clear thinking human beings allow it.
gain a foot in the door of opening Ireland up to the scourge of abortion were in line with the grim and insidious nature of the operation itself. The set of words used did not even use the term abortion (itself a linguistic trick), for it reads "Labour in government will legislate in accordance with the Supreme Court judgment in the X Case, and the recent ruling by the European Court of Human Rights". The X case is a special ruling in Ireland that allowed a woman to procure an abortion if she had been raped (confirmed by three doctors) and that the failure to procure such an abortion will result in her death. To allow Europe to pressurize Ireland to expand on this legislation would open a doorway to the hellish reality that abortion brings. And an abortuary really is hell on earth. I'm reminded of Clive Barkers' novella/film of Hellraiser wherein a man who is obsessed with the pain and pleasures of a demon box is literally torn to pieces by it's powers instantiated by a series of hooks. The demons who show up to re-assemble the pieces of flesh in order to identify the face of the victim, like some grim crime scene post-mortem are the "magnificent superbutchers" of Barkers imagination. That may sound absolutely horrible, but it's horror is dampened by the fact that it is only fiction. Well, after an abortion, the doctor has to re-assemble the limbs and sections of an aborted baby in order to ensure no part has been trapped inside the would-have-been mother's womb. That's way more gruesome because it's truly happens and otherwise rational, clear thinking human beings allow it.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
The U.S. House of Representatives voted to federally de-fund the nation's largest abortion provider, Planned Parenthood

The house of representatives has just seen through a tremendous victory against the allowing, promoting and funding of abortion through federal legislation in it's passing of the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act (called H.R. 3) by an overwhelming majority. Planned Parenthood had been receiving 350 million dollars per year from federal government to facilitate its murdering of 300,000 babies per year and damaging those women who could have been mothers. Could this be the beginning of the end for the 50 million-baby American holocaust ? Please God. Amongst those testifying in favor of H.R. 3 were Richard M. Doerflinger, associate director of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities who said [according to Catholic newspaper The Pilot Feb. 11 2011 V. 182 No. 6] "[H.R. 3] consistently applies to all branches of the federal government the principle that government can encourage childbirth over abortion with its funding power, and that it should not coerce anyone's involvement in abortion". Counter arguments from the Department of Health Law and Policy at George Washington University came in the form of speculation that H.R. 3 would have adverse effects on the tax treatment of health insurance and health care expenditures. However, these minor technical misgivings notwithstanding, there was overwhelming agreement between pro-lifers and pro-abortionists that
This is the common ground which President Obama called for. Let's hope the truth prevails. These are children and they are being wantonly murdered. A government should function to protect the most poor, innocent and vulnerable.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Prayer Vigil in Allston, MA 03/12/2011
There will be a gathering of Catholics outside the below mention "clinic" in Allston, MA next month - Saturday 12th March 2011, to pray for the unborn and an end to abortion. It is important to emphasize that these sorts of places are not "clinics" at all, because actual clinics are places wherein people's health generally improves and human life is respected and holds the dignity it ought to have. However, the "clinics" referred to below are
places where human life is destroyed. The more vocal we are about the horrors of abortion, the better for everybody, especially for the little ones who have no voice at all. There have been instances of taking violent approaches to confronting abortion "clinics" (read : baby slaughterhouses) but we will be here to
pray and be the voice of conscience to those involved with with these operations, to let them know that there is a better way, that killing the most innocent, poor and dependent among us is never a solution to any problem. We wish to be the advocates of the small ones, and the voice of the human conscience affirming which every human soul would be deeply and fully aware had they not been mislead, manipulated and lied to in the mire of societal relativism in which we find ourselves. Make no mistake every age has its horrors. This is ours. Let's wake up, lest, not least, future generations look in chastisement and righteous condemnation of us and a world that stood by while this holocaust happened.
Rosary Vigil for Life: under the Banner of Our Lady of Guadalupe
Sponsored by: The Helper's of God's Precious Infants
Second Saturday of each month
Rosary (fifteen decades, interspersed with song) at Planned Parenthood abortion facility
-8:45AM Procession starts at corner of Babcock St. and Commonwealth Ave. (One block from Planned Parenthood)
-Drive to Commonwealth Ave. (Meter Parking)
By MBTA: Babcock Street stop on Green Line "B" train for PP abortion facility.
-For those interested there is an 8:00AM mass at St. Mary's parish, 5 Linden Place Brookline (Off Harvard Street in Brookline Center)
Location : 1055 Commonwealth Av., Allston, MA
A link to the the EWTN (Enternal Word Television Network) Station of the Cross site can be found here
places where human life is destroyed. The more vocal we are about the horrors of abortion, the better for everybody, especially for the little ones who have no voice at all. There have been instances of taking violent approaches to confronting abortion "clinics" (read : baby slaughterhouses) but we will be here to
pray and be the voice of conscience to those involved with with these operations, to let them know that there is a better way, that killing the most innocent, poor and dependent among us is never a solution to any problem. We wish to be the advocates of the small ones, and the voice of the human conscience affirming which every human soul would be deeply and fully aware had they not been mislead, manipulated and lied to in the mire of societal relativism in which we find ourselves. Make no mistake every age has its horrors. This is ours. Let's wake up, lest, not least, future generations look in chastisement and righteous condemnation of us and a world that stood by while this holocaust happened.
Rosary Vigil for Life: under the Banner of Our Lady of Guadalupe
Sponsored by: The Helper's of God's Precious Infants
Second Saturday of each month
Rosary (fifteen decades, interspersed with song) at Planned Parenthood abortion facility
-8:45AM Procession starts at corner of Babcock St. and Commonwealth Ave. (One block from Planned Parenthood)
-Drive to Commonwealth Ave. (Meter Parking)
By MBTA: Babcock Street stop on Green Line "B" train for PP abortion facility.
-For those interested there is an 8:00AM mass at St. Mary's parish, 5 Linden Place Brookline (Off Harvard Street in Brookline Center)
Location : 1055 Commonwealth Av., Allston, MA
A link to the the EWTN (Enternal Word Television Network) Station of the Cross site can be found here
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Life at 8.3 weeks

Here is a picture of a little human being at 8.3 weeks. The head to rump length is about 2.3 mm. Already a heartbeat is observable on the screen-rendered ultrasonic scan in the form of a bright/dark a blip something akin to watching a photo-emission electron microscopy image of thermalized super-paramagnetic islands. The heartbeat measured here was about 175 bpm. The head, heart and leg ?(or tail at this stage) are all clearly visible. Some like to call this little one a fetus. Fetus is derived from the latin word `offspring' (Harper, Douglas. (2001). Online Etymology Dictionary. Retrieved 2007-01-20.). We often invent euphemisms and distort the usage and instantiations words to suit own ends. For example the term pro-choice is a euphemism isn't it ? After all it's "a child not a choice", as a poster read during a pro-life protest in Cork, Ireland recently. The euphemisms have to be stacked on the side of those with the most to deny and cover up. Any attempt to define when human life begins must be such that it cannot be revised and pushed around arbitrarily. In view of the continuum that embryological science suggests fetal development to be, it is true and right that inception and conception are one.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
March For Life Washington D.C. 24 Jan. 2011
Having come back from one of the most successful March for Life gatherings in Washington D.C., I wish to share my observations and reports. There were approximately 40,000 people there from a great number of Catholic parishes and Universities as well as many serminarians priests, nuns and other religious from across the United States together with a number of protestant Christian groups, Jewish Rabbis and others. It was such a wonderful example of a speaking truth to power on the most pressing moral issue in the world today. The global Catholic television network EWTN covered this event with live broadcast/streaming of the event.
The March itself, an annual even was preceded by a rally on the Mall in from of the Capitol in the heart of D.C. which featured many pro life members of Congress who were recently installed following the congressional elections - the biggest influxes of pro life seat-holders since Roe V. Wade in 1973. An overview of some of the main points of the intentions behind the march and brief outline of the the rally speeches can be found in a short video posted by 2TimothyChapter2 YouTube ;
The March itself, an annual even was preceded by a rally on the Mall in from of the Capitol in the heart of D.C. which featured many pro life members of Congress who were recently installed following the congressional elections - the biggest influxes of pro life seat-holders since Roe V. Wade in 1973. An overview of some of the main points of the intentions behind the march and brief outline of the the rally speeches can be found in a short video posted by 2TimothyChapter2 YouTube ;
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