Thursday, April 21, 2011

Just war doctrine, Planned Parenthood and the principalities and powers of darkness

The center and pinnacle of Catholic worship is the Holy Eucharist, the Blessed Sacrament over which the priest, in personae Christi says "This is My Body". This is the perfect sacrifice of our supreme God who loves us so much that he gave his very Flesh and Blood so that we might have life and not be bound by sin and death. Christians are the limbs and agents of Christ's body in the world, from the Pope and the greatest saints to the devout layman. And all bodies need nourishment, spiritual nourishment. We confess and repent and stay true to the doctrines of Holy Mother Church before we approach the greatest of all sacraments, still trembling with awe and reverence. We are what we eat.
Now, when Catholics engage in the battle against the evils of abortion, we are not battling against those misguided, woefully misinformed and quite frankly exploited generation of would-be mothers whose wombs are violated by the abortionists instruments. We are not even battling against the so-called clinicians or doctors and managers of these abortion mills. For we are told to love our enemy. No, we are truly battling against principalities and powers of total darkness. We fear for and care for the human beings caught up in this. It does lasting violence to the prospective mother, most women regret having an abortion, and it does horrible violence to the child. As Catholics, who are often accused of being judgmental when they rail against evil actions, are being nothing of the kind. We have a worldview in which evil is truly objectified and unhuman. We categorize actions, not character or person-hood as evil. The naturalist or sketical scientist is only has the human being to hate as the terminus of the committed evil. We are your friends. War against demons is always just, they always have our destruction as their number one agenda, staring with the weakest.
As Peter Kreeft of Boston College writes in his readable and incisive boiling-down of the Church Catechism in "Catholic Christianity", he writes "no war is just in itself...the choice to go to war can be just ..the aim of [going to war] is peace. The aim is not taking lives but saving lives: the live of innocent victims of aggression". Now, I cannot think of a set of more innocent victims that those unborn babies. So, all wars start with declarations of war. We ought to go down there to those houses of horror and with the best and most charitable voice, declare this war. We must make them answer, no longer can the linguistic evasions and legalistic cover-ups be put up with.
According to the May 2011 edition of Townhall magazine, Planned Parenthood, started by the eugenicist and Marxist who advocated the forced sterilization (and "birth control" - her coinage) of the poor and mentally deficient. When the biggest commercial "non-profit" abortion mill baby murderer in North America holds 1.2 billion in assets and boasts 700,000 active contributors, we have to wonder why on earth, there is even any question of continuing the 350 million dollars it gets annually from the federal government by way of the hard-earned cash of working America. And what group are being persecuted with the 33 % of all terrible abortion - African Americans in poverty. It's looks like the founder got her way. How can the collective conscience of God fearing Americans put up with this ? It borders on a degree of complicity one could accuse the normally scrupulous Germans during the late 1930s and early 1940s...
Let's resuscitate that first casualty of the operations of evil - truth. Let's make war against those demons who, with their evil sneer against the grammar of existence, feeding the lie in the ear of the raging hater of the unborn. Clutching their bellies in selfish sovereignty, claiming it as all their own, and as the good Prof. Kreeft indicates, in the satanic inversion of the Holy - "This is my body".

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