Monday, July 11, 2011

The Philadelphia House of Horrors

An article published in National Public Radio (Weekend Edition by Kathy Lohr) started with the headline "A murder case involving a sordid Philadelphia abortion clinic is fueling debate about how clinics should be run, with several states considering stricter regulations." Now this a strange reporting slant. I would expect such an horrific story of baby murder to be stir up debate - but not a debate about how strictly these murder mills should be monitored, but rather why on earth is it an act of brutality to destroy an innocent infant
at the 7th or 8th month of pregnancy, when it is deemed legal and morally acceptable to do so at month 6 (in Pennsylvania) ? What kind of logic s behind this ? No kind of logic at all ! Since when is the age of child the arbiter of it's moral worth ? Since when does the location of the baby's body with respect to which side of the birth canal determine whether it is acceptable to murder him or her ? The horrors of the baby murdering industry has boiled over more graphically into our conscious awareness, but the news reports from the left-wing media are concerned about the squalor and sanitary conditions of these places ?
The New York times carried the story with a similar slant in their report of Kermit Gosnell's house of horrors.

In fairness, sanity (and editorial balance) did seem to prevail by the end of the article with the words : “Some anti-abortion activists in Philadelphia say they hope to raise money as a result of the Gosnell case — enough to buy his clinic and turn it into a crisis pregnancy center that would not offer abortion.” That's progress.

But at the same time, can anyone out there answer a simple question ? What exactly is the difference between the Philadelphia house of horrors and any Planned Parenthood clinic apart from the fact that, in the case of the latter, the staff clean up (and cover up) more efficiently ?

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