Since they are known to perform the bulk of abortions every year in America (around 305,000) there must be a more honest metric. They are, in the main, a private business and so making money is a large part of what they do, so in terms of revenue, the fraction of abortions per year brings in about $ 182 million of the $374 million total revenue as reported by the STOPP report of September 29th 2010. That's on top of the bone-chilling $536 million they get in government and contributions. So a much more fiscal, economical and common sense picture of how much of what Planned Parenthood actually does is abortion can be depicted as follows :

But the really interesting question is this : why are they downplaying the fact that providing abortion, amid the services which backup a promiscuous lifestyle (contraception, STD testing, etc), is such a large part of what they do. It's as if they really see abortion as the horror that it is, deep down. If there is nothing wrong with abortions why down play how much one does it ? And, as the Abort73
articles says : if there's nothing wrong with abortion, then what's wrong with teenage pregnancy ? You can leave a baby at any police station, hospital or manned firestation in Massachusetts within 10 days of giving birth. With the help and care of such crisis pregnancy centers as Caritas Christi, Daybreak and Pregnancy Help Boston, there's always support and hope if you have the courage and confidence to get through it. Anything is better for both the baby and parents, then the murder of an innocent.
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