Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The U.S. House of Representatives voted to federally de-fund the nation's largest abortion provider, Planned Parenthood

The house of representatives has just seen through a tremendous victory against the allowing, promoting and funding of abortion through federal legislation in it's passing of the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act (called H.R. 3) by an overwhelming majority. Planned Parenthood had been receiving 350 million dollars per year from federal government to facilitate its murdering of 300,000 babies per year and damaging those women who could have been mothers. Could this be the beginning of the end for the 50 million-baby American holocaust ? Please God. Amongst those testifying in favor of H.R. 3 were Richard M. Doerflinger, associate director of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities who said [according to Catholic newspaper The Pilot Feb. 11 2011 V. 182 No. 6] "[H.R. 3] consistently applies to all branches of the federal government the principle that government can encourage childbirth over abortion with its funding power, and that it should not coerce anyone's involvement in abortion". Counter arguments from the Department of Health Law and Policy at George Washington University came in the form of speculation that H.R. 3 would have adverse effects on the tax treatment of health insurance and health care expenditures. However, these minor technical misgivings notwithstanding, there was overwhelming agreement between pro-lifers and pro-abortionists that
This is the common ground which President Obama called for. Let's hope the truth prevails. These are children and they are being wantonly murdered. A government should function to protect the most poor, innocent and vulnerable.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Prayer Vigil in Allston, MA 03/12/2011

There will be a gathering of Catholics outside the below mention "clinic" in Allston, MA next month - Saturday 12th March 2011, to pray for the unborn and an end to abortion. It is important to emphasize that these sorts of places are not "clinics" at all, because actual clinics are places wherein people's health generally improves and human life is respected and holds the dignity it ought to have. However, the "clinics" referred to below are
places where human life is destroyed. The more vocal we are about the horrors of abortion, the better for everybody, especially for the little ones who have no voice at all. There have been instances of taking violent approaches to confronting abortion "clinics" (read : baby slaughterhouses) but we will be here to
pray and be the voice of conscience to those involved with with these operations, to let them know that there is a better way, that killing the most innocent, poor and dependent among us is never a solution to any problem. We wish to be the advocates of the small ones, and the voice of the human conscience affirming which every human soul would be deeply and fully aware had they not been mislead, manipulated and lied to in the mire of societal relativism in which we find ourselves. Make no mistake every age has its horrors. This is ours. Let's wake up, lest, not least, future generations look in chastisement and righteous condemnation of us and a world that stood by while this holocaust happened.

Rosary Vigil for Life: under the Banner of Our Lady of Guadalupe

Sponsored by: The Helper's of God's Precious Infants

Second Saturday of each month

Rosary (fifteen decades, interspersed with song) at Planned Parenthood abortion facility

-8:45AM Procession starts at corner of Babcock St. and Commonwealth Ave. (One block from Planned Parenthood)

-Drive to Commonwealth Ave. (Meter Parking)

By MBTA: Babcock Street stop on Green Line "B" train for PP abortion facility.

-For those interested there is an 8:00AM mass at St. Mary's parish, 5 Linden Place Brookline (Off Harvard Street in Brookline Center)
Location : 1055 Commonwealth Av., Allston, MA

A link to the the EWTN (Enternal Word Television Network) Station of the Cross site can be found here

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Life at 8.3 weeks

Here is a picture of a little human being at 8.3 weeks. The head to rump length is about 2.3 mm. Already a heartbeat is observable on the screen-rendered ultrasonic scan in the form of a bright/dark a blip something akin to watching a photo-emission electron microscopy image of thermalized super-paramagnetic islands. The heartbeat measured here was about 175 bpm. The head, heart and leg ?(or tail at this stage) are all clearly visible. Some like to call this little one a fetus. Fetus is derived from the latin word `offspring' (Harper, Douglas. (2001). Online Etymology Dictionary. Retrieved 2007-01-20.). We often invent euphemisms and distort the usage and instantiations words to suit own ends. For example the term pro-choice is a euphemism isn't it ? After all it's "a child not a choice", as a poster read during a pro-life protest in Cork, Ireland recently. The euphemisms have to be stacked on the side of those with the most to deny and cover up. Any attempt to define when human life begins must be such that it cannot be revised and pushed around arbitrarily. In view of the continuum that embryological science suggests fetal development to be, it is true and right that inception and conception are one.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

March For Life Washington D.C. 24 Jan. 2011

Having come back from one of the most successful March for Life gatherings in Washington D.C., I wish to share my observations and reports. There were approximately 40,000 people there from a great number of Catholic parishes and Universities as well as many serminarians priests, nuns and other religious from across the United States together with a number of protestant Christian groups, Jewish Rabbis and others. It was such a wonderful example of a speaking truth to power on the most pressing moral issue in the world today. The global Catholic television network EWTN covered this event with live broadcast/streaming of the event.
The March itself, an annual even was preceded by a rally on the Mall in from of the Capitol in the heart of D.C. which featured many pro life members of Congress who were recently installed following the congressional elections - the biggest influxes of pro life seat-holders since Roe V. Wade in 1973. An overview of some of the main points of the intentions behind the march and brief outline of the the rally speeches can be found in a short video posted by 2TimothyChapter2 YouTube ;