The house of representatives has just seen through a tremendous victory against the allowing, promoting and funding of abortion through federal legislation in it's passing of the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act (called H.R. 3) by an overwhelming majority. Planned Parenthood had been receiving 350 million dollars per year from federal government to facilitate its murdering of 300,000 babies per year and damaging those women who could have been mothers. Could this be the beginning of the end for the 50 million-baby American holocaust ? Please God. Amongst those testifying in favor of H.R. 3 were Richard M. Doerflinger, associate director of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities who said [according to Catholic newspaper The Pilot Feb. 11 2011 V. 182 No. 6] "[H.R. 3] consistently applies to all branches of the federal government the principle that government can encourage childbirth over abortion with its funding power, and that it should not coerce anyone's involvement in abortion". Counter arguments from the Department of Health Law and Policy at George Washington University came in the form of speculation that H.R. 3 would have adverse effects on the tax treatment of health insurance and health care expenditures. However, these minor technical misgivings notwithstanding, there was overwhelming agreement between pro-lifers and pro-abortionists that
This is the common ground which President Obama called for. Let's hope the truth prevails. These are children and they are being wantonly murdered. A government should function to protect the most poor, innocent and vulnerable.